Digital Systems Modeling and Synthesis

Digitaalsüsteemide modelleerimine ja süntees

IAY0340 5.0 EAP 4 2-2-0 E S (1st semester)

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Abstract (annotatsioon)
Course goals, Study outcomes
Prerequisites, Evaluation
Content ( lectures , hands-on exercises )
Exam   (eksam)


Modeling concepts for digital and analog hardware. Hardware description languages - VHDL, SystemVerilog, SystemC. Description levels in VHDL - behavioral/functional, structural and data-flow levels. Simulation engines of hardware description languages. SystemVerilog and SystemC - description levels and simulation engines. Synthesizable VHDL and SystemVerilog. Phases and methods of digital systems synthesis. Description languages for analog hardware - Spice, VHDL-AMS. Simulation and synthesis using modern design tools.

Annotatsioon - Digitaal- ja analoogriistvara modelleerimise alused. Riistvara kirjelduskeeled - VHDL, SystemVerilog, SystemC. VHDL kirjeldustasemed - käitumuslik-funktsionaalne, struktuurne ja andmevoo tase. Riistvara kirjelduskeelte simulatsiooniskeemid. SystemVerilog ja SystemC - kirjeldustasemed ja simulatsiooniskeem. Sünteesitav VHDL ja SystemVerilog. Digitaalsüsteemide sünteesi etapid ja meetodid. Analoogriistvara kirjelduskeeled - Spice, VHDL-AMS. Simuleerimine ja süntees tänapäevaste disainivahenditega.

Course goals

• To give overview about phases, methods and tools of modern microchips and embedded systems design process;
• to give thorough overview about digital systems modeling;
• to give thorough overview about hardware description languages VHDL, SystemVerilog and SystemC, and about their features;
• to give overview about embedded systems modeling languages;
• to give overview about analog systems modeling using languages SPICE and VHDL-AMS;
• to teach how to use different hardware description languages at various abstraction levels;
• to give overview about synthesis of digital systems at register transfer and logic levels;
• to teach how to use commercial simulation an synthesis tools;
• to obtain pre-requisites for follow-up courses of the study line.

• Anda lühiülevaade kaasaegsete mikroskeemide ja sardsüsteemide projekteerimise käigust, meetoditest ja vahenditest;
• anda põhjalik ülevaade digitaalsüsteemide modelleerimisest;
• anda põhjalik ülevaade riistvara kirjelduskeeltest VHDL, SystemVerilog ja SystemC ning nende iseärasustest;
• anda lühiülevaade sardsüsteemide modelleerimisel kasutatavatest keeltest;
• anda lühiülevaade analoog-süsteemide modelleerimisest kasutades keeli SPICE ja VHDL-AMS;
• õpetada erinevate riistvara kirjelduskeelte kasutamist erinevatel disaini- ja abstraktsioonitasemetel;
• anda ülevaade digitaalsüsteemide sünteesist registersiirete ja loogika tasemel;
• õpetada tööstuslike simuleerimis- ja sünteesivahendite kasutamist;
• omandada eeldused järgnevate erialaainete edukaks läbimiseks.

Study outcomes

• Knowledge about phases, methods and tools of modern microchips and embedded systems design process; how to use various hardware description languages at these phases.
• Knowledge how to create models of digital systems in VHDL, SystemVerilog and SystemC.
• Knowledge how to create models of simpler analog systems in SPICE and VHDL-AMS.
• Knowledge how to use at least one commercial simulation tool and one synthesis tool.

• Kaasaegsete mikroskeemide ja sardsüsteemide projekteerimise põhietappide tundmine, oskus kasutada erinevaid riistvara kirjelduskeeli neil etappidel.
• Oskus luua digitaalseadmete mudeleid nii VHDL-s, SystemVerilog-s, kui ka SystemC-s.
• Oskus luua lihtsamate analoog-süsteemide mudeleid SPICE-s ja VHDL-AMS-s.
• Oskus kasutada vähemalt üht tööstuslikku simuleerimispaketti ja üht sünteesipaketti.


To pass the course successfully, one must have basic knowledge about programming, Boolean logic, and state machines. Familiarity with UNIX/Linux environment is a plus for hands-on exercises.


Hands-on exercises - During hands-on exercises, different modeling and synthesis tasks are solved using various tools. The exercises cover the use of various hardware description languages to model digital and analog circuits. The exercises also cover synthesis of digital circuits using different technologies.

Prerequisites for the final exam - Reports of hands-on exercises must be presented and defended before exam.

Exam - On the exam, a student will answer to three questions about all topics of the course - one question about VHDL, another about the other hardware description languages and the third one about synthesis related issues.


  1.  Lectures
  2.  Hands-on exercises
  3.  Exam   (eksam) -- Requirement - lab reports accepted before the examination day.



There are many-many books available and the list below is only a brief overview. In principle, one book about one of the languages is enough - the main differences are in syntax. Except maybe that SystemC has more differences...

In TUT library

NB! These are only some of the books at the library.

Additional literature

Plus newer editions of the same books, of course.


There exist hundreds of web-pages. Some to start with are below.

Simulator & synthesizer at home

Last modified 2015.01.13.